Prevedi v slovenščino.

Great food, great fruit, great project

For our target group to actively choose Slovenian-produced and processed fruit, we approached them with videos, recipes, tips and many articles, which reminded them of the diversity of Slovenian regions and the diversity of local producers.

Client Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food
Year 2020
Industry public administration


Our main challenge was to produce the creative strategy for the fruit sector as part of the existing national project "Our Super Food". It is intended to raise the importance of local and seasonal fruit production and increase consumer desire for seasonal fruit.

Super hrana, super sadje, super projekt
Super hrana, super sadje, super projekt


The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, in cooperation with Pristop, is raising consumer awareness that Slovenia has a large variety of high-quality fruit species that are available throughout the year. It gives a platform to exceptional local growers who care that our fruit is delicious and fresh.


Client: Zavarovalnica Triglav

Year: 2015