Prevedi v slovenščino.

Slovenia has our attention

Recognisability of television commercial increases significantly if viewers are actively engaged. A great example for this is slightly different ad positioning during the broadcast Slovenia has a talent in which the two hosts called the viewers to closely observe the commercial. The correct answers were rewarded. Some obviously have a talent for watching commercials as well.

Client Telekom Slovenije
Year 2015
Industry Telecommunications

The challenge

How to persuade the viewers not only to look at the commercial but also to watch it? The best answer, of course, is a bit different than a regular TV ad.

Slovenija ima našo pozornost


Telekom Slovenia regularly communicates the sales offers through the widest media network. In the case of collaborating in the show Slovenia has talent in the 2015 and 2016 seasons we decided to establish new form of product placement as a dialogue between Slovenia has talent show hosts and Telekom advertisement.

Slovenija ima našo pozornost
Slovenija ima našo pozornost
Slovenija ima našo pozornost

The results were hosts entertaining inputs without a blatant description of the sales offers, as well as massive ad views, which led the viewers to learn the most unusual details.

With product placement we reached the maximum attention of as many as 80% of the target population.


  • With sponsorship in both years, we reached as much as 80% of viewers of all ages in range between 20 and 54. Given that all the commercials within the show were in prime time, and studies say that most people remember only the first and last commercials on the block, we can safely say that we have reached the maximum attention of as many as 80% of the target audience.


Client: Black Pony, Pristop Entertainment / Autocommerce

Year: 2015