Prevedi v slovenščino.

The scandal in Slovenia

The play Scandal in St. Florian valley, which was created after the dramatic work of Ivan Cankar, dealt with fears of invasion of foreigners and personal vices. In it, director Eduard Miller gave a major role to the dark-skinned dancer Masha Kagao Knez, so we combined this fact with the historical set of the play when creating the communication image.

Client Cankarjev dom, SNG Drama Ljubljana, Mestno gledališče ljubljansko
Year 2019
Industry Culture

The challenge

How to invite Slovenians to see a play that addresses the traumas of our nation? Our task was to connect the historical charge of the play and effectively use the immediacy and power of the traditional medium that invited Slovenes to view the play - a poster.

Plakat, ki je poskrbel za pohujšanje Slovenije.

Story and solution

In the famous farce, Cankar described Slovenes as humble, chaste and scared. Fears of invading foreigners and contemporary vices were also dealt with by co-production in Cankarjev dom. In this edition, director Eduard Miller gave the role of Jacinta, Cankar's central provocateur, to black dancer Masha Kagao Knez. That is why, when designing the communication image, we combined this fact with the historical set of the play. We have designed a strong central vision that effectively harnesses the immediacy and power of a very traditional medium - the poster. The echo of the image was then spilled over into digital and other print media, bringing its message closer to public eye.

Plakat, ki je poskrbel za pohujšanje Slovenije.
The poster won a Gold Award in the Category Print & Outdoor at the ADC * E Festival of European Creativity in Barcelona.


  • Award @ Digital Communication Awards; Online Event and Live Communication
  • Grand Award @ SoMo Borac; Technological Solutions
  • Grand Award and Gold Award @ Diggit; Digital Innovativeness
  • Gold Award @ SOF; Branded Technological Solutions
  • Gold Award @ SOF; Branded or Created Contents
  • Silver Award @ SOF; Innovative communication solutions


Client: Telekom Slovenije

Year: 2015